Friday, June 18, 2010

Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood MULTI-PLAYER!

Gotta chance to check out the E3 video of the new multi-player for the new assassin's creed coming out this November. I have to say, it was impressive...and to add this dimension to an already thrilling game, is very smart. There have always been the complaints about the replay value of the first two AC's but not anymore. No longer will 90% of the population that bought the first two games, return the third one a week after they have acquired as many accomplishments as possible. The game-play i saw was assassins hunting down assassins. Each player would start with a picture of their target on their screen and they would have to maneuver around the city and locate/kill their target. When getting close to the target your "radar" would show so, and they will light up some color. Not only are you hunting someone down, you are trying not to be hunted...and you can be hunted by several people at one time. And make sure not to make any sudden movements if your killer is close...because all hell breaks loose and you are much more easier to be hunted down. While running from your hunters, there are many escape routes and obstacles that can aid you, i.e. gates closing right on your tail and many other objects. From the 5 minute video that i viewed, this multiplayer alone boosts the replay value of this game out the roof, and now gives more incentive for people to go out and buy the game Novermber 16, 2010!!! (I didn't buy the first two, no replay value lol)..

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